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open hands...


Are your hands open?

There is much talk in our church about living a “surrendered life”. Interestingly enough, this isn’t a word God uses much. Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be surrendered to the One who is deserving of all. Of course, we should. But, maybe the word surrender isn’t giving us the best picture of what that looks like.

When I think of surrender, I think of waving a white flag in DEFEAT. Defeat is far from what my Loving Father in Heaven wants for me, or for you.

SACRIFICE. Now, that’s a word that’s used A LOT in the bible.

Abraham is asked to offer his firstborn son Isaac as a sacrifice. What LOVE, and TRUST was shown when he was willing to do this. He knew the love of His father, and he was willing to be obedient and sacrifice in RESPONSE to that love. Not in defeat.

Jesus offered His life as a sacrifice. He did this out of pure LOVE for His people...not in defeat.

When I think about opening my hands, I’m ready to sacrifice something in my life to bring Him glory. I’m willing to offer up something to Him, that the pull inside my heart is telling me to hold tight.

In my life that’s control, worry, anxiety of what’s to come. It’s being able to feel “right” or justified in an argument with my husband by getting the last word. It’s making choices that feel good in the right now, without really seeing the big picture. It’s relying on myself to know the next step. It’s trusting in my own strength to move forward. It’s the thinking that I can handle this.

When I open up my hands, I sacrifice my very life to Him and His glory. I say, “take this”. I don’t need to win this fight. I don’t need to make a plan for what’s next. I don’t need to know what words to say RIGHT NOW. “Here, it is Yours.”

I don’t do this because I feel defeated. I’m not saying, “Okay, God, you win, I lose!” No, I’m saying, “God, you’ve given me more than I deserve. You’ve proven your love for me time and time again. And I love you too. And I TRUST you. Take this from me. My hands are open and letting go.”

So, call it surrender if you want. (And let’s be for real...if we’re singing “I Surrender” my hands are up, and I’m singin’ loud!) But, I’ll think of it as sacrifice. Not in defeat, but in love for My Father who is for me.

You cannot receive His blessings with closed hands. Open them. Let it go.

What do you need to sacrifice to Him today?

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