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Be still, be quiet. He is fighting for you.


Let me tell you my story. The short-ish version.

Met husband, married husband. Knew there was some drug use, but we were young, dumb, I thought it’d go away. (Again, young and dumb.)

Got pregnant (on purpose), realized things were bad. Had a baby. Things got worse.

When baby girl was about 5 weeks old, things hit the fan.

He got help, got sober. But damage has been done. Lots of it. And unfortunately, I’m learning over and over that addiction is not something that goes away easily.

It’s still apart of our lives. It still hurts. It still ruins days that should be beautiful. It rips open my heart when I think it’s finally healing.

I hate addiction.

BUT. Jesus.

I love Jesus.

I love my Father in Heaven.

He heals. He redeems. He is on the throne and He is in the game of making beauty from ashes.

When I think I can’t walk another step on this path He’s laid out for me, He finds a way to scoop me up, and remind me of His promises.

I don’t know what your path looks like. I don’t know what hurt you're facing today, but I know it’s real. And there is a chance that it’s not fair. There is chance that you have done everything “right” and you’re still facing your greatest fear.

You are seen. You are known. You are loved.

Exodus 14:14 says, The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Some versions say “still”.

Be still, be quiet. He is fighting for you.

You may not see the victory today, or tomorrow. Maybe not this year, or the next. But, He is fighting for you.

For me, this looks like small victories, and (seemingly) larger set backs. One step forward, two steps back.

What does it look like for you?

I have to remind myself to praise Him for those victories, and to quit focusing on the set backs.

I don’t know His plan. My human brain wouldn’t understand it, even if He gave me a peek. But, I know that He is the creator of every good and perfect thing, and His plan HAS to be better than my own.

I will slow down. I will listen. I will praise Him.

Be still, be quiet. He is fighting for you, and He is fighting for me.

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