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A Journey Begins


“Let the King of my heart

Be the mountain where I run

The fountain I drink from

Oh, He is my song

Let the King of my heart

Be the shadow where I hide

The ransom for my life

Oh, He is my song”

-Bethel Music

Do you know this song? Today, in church I found myself longing to hear these words. It’s been awhile since we’ve sang this song, and I wasn’t sure why the Lord put it on my heart...but He did. And seconds later, the song began, and I knew it was a sweet gift from my Heavenly Father. He does that for me sometimes. Puts something on my heart, and then shows it to me immediately (or soon enough). I’ve decided it’s just a way He reaches down and squeezes me when I need it the most. Like the song goes on to say...He is GOOD.

A little later, after a rough afternoon, I felt a nudge to start a blog. I’ve been toying with the idea for awhile, but have lacked the courage. I guess I’m still lacking some courage since this is anonymous, but hey, it’s a step, right?

I’ve never known what I’d title a blog. That’s been a big hold up. What would I want it to be about? SO many topics cross my mind..but they all lead to one thing. The One. The One who holds the world in His hands.

This will be my journey to seek Him in the midst. Let me tell you, in this moment I feel like I’m in the midst. In the desert, the wilderness. But, He is GOOD. He will keep His promises.

This will be my journey in finding His peace. In letting Him be the mountain where run. The fountain I drink from. He is the King of My Heart.

Join me?

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